
“I’m Working So Hard, but Gaining Weight. Why?”

The Reasons Explained… This is an unfortunate question that I get all the time from some of my hardest working clients so I’m going to answer it by getting straight to the main points. First, try NOT to freak out when this first happens, especially if you have seen...

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The Blog

The Best Kept Secret…Heaven on Earth

The Best Kept Secret…Heaven on Earth

Imagine this: It’s morning time and you just started to open your eyes because a small break between the curtains is letting a ray of light shine in your room, hitting your eyes just enough to tell your brain that it’s time to wake up. It’s a little warmer than you...

Fasted Cardio for Beginners

Fasted Cardio for Beginners

First, lets start by answering the “What?”. What is Fasted Cardio? Well…”Cardio” is Aerobic based exercise that is performed for Cardiovascular health. For example: Jogging. “Fasting” is when you abstain from consuming food and drinks for a certain amount of time. For...

The Best Kept Secret…Heaven on Earth

The Best Kept Secret…Heaven on Earth

Imagine this: It’s morning time and you just started to open your eyes because a small break between the curtains is letting a ray of light shine in your room, hitting your eyes just enough to tell your brain that it’s time to wake up. It’s a little warmer than you...

Fasted Cardio for Beginners

Fasted Cardio for Beginners

First, lets start by answering the “What?”. What is Fasted Cardio? Well…”Cardio” is Aerobic based exercise that is performed for Cardiovascular health. For example: Jogging. “Fasting” is when you abstain from consuming food and drinks for a certain amount of time. For...

What Are MACROS?

What Are MACROS?

First and foremost: “MACRO” is short for “Macronutrients”. Macronutrients are separated into 3 categories of foods that your body requires in large amounts to produce energy for your body to function properly. The 3 categories of foods that make up Macronutrients are:...

6 Week Ab Progression

Grow core strength and make your Abs POP in 6 weeks with my 6 Week Ab Progression Program. This is a HOME based training program designed for ALL levels of fitness. All you need is a set of dumbbells, medicine ball and a mini resistance band.

Build a Booty

If you are looking to grow a ROUND, PROMINENT booty then this program is right for you. Build a Booty consists of a set of 5 workouts that are done consecutively over a 4-6 week period, focusing on growth and enhancement. Perfect for ANY fitness level.

Back Attack

STRENGTHEN and DEFINE your back in 6 weeks with my Back Attack Program. This is a GYM based program that continuously increases in intensity, resulting in lean muscle definition. Back Attack is perfect for ANY fitness level.


High Volume Tricep Workout to help TIGHTEN and TONE that stubborn arm fat.

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